Many people question what the real difference between an insurance broker and agent is. While there are many the one key difference that sets them apart: a broker is an insurance expert that works for you, whereas an agent is works for the insurance company – and just that company. Since an insurance broker represents many insurance companies, you can relax while they do the work to find you the best combination of rates and coverage.
Your Time is Valuable
Crosbie Job Insurance is a broker and it is our job to explore the market place for you. To put us on the job all you need to do is discuss your insurance needs with one of our trained experts and he/she will enthusiastically determine which combination of coverage and rate suits your needs. He/She will discuss various options and ensure you can sleep easy because we have you covered. Why waste your time when you can have someone else do this work for you? Regardless of the type of insurance, using an insurance broker can be very convenient and helpful.
The Right Insurer at the Best Price
A broker knows that getting the best rate can be difficult, and knows negotiation can make people feel uncomfortable. We also know what companies will accommodate classes of risk, driving history etc. We know where to go to meet your insurance needs.
Expert Advice When You Need It?
An insurance broker is on your side. We work for you. You can count on our expert advice as your life and insurance needs change. As you go through the changes in life, such as graduating from college, getting married or retiring, your insurance needs change. We are here to work with you on any occasion, some of these changes could be:
- Home Purchase or Rental Investment
- Purchase of a New or Used Vehicle
- Children or Other Dependent Family Members
- Changes in Career/Retirement
- Adding a Rental Unit to Your Property
- Purchasing the Toys such as a Motorcycle/Skidoo/Atv etc
Even if you just want to run a scenario by our experts we are there to help.
Advice When It Matters Most
Although no one ever expects to be in a car accident, have a fire at home, or a loss at your company it will be extremely helpful to have expert advice readily available at such a difficult time. A broker will offer to act as an intermediary between you and your insurer. We will advocate on your behalf.
Your Newfoundland Insurance Broker
At Crosbie Job Insurance Limited we have protected the citizens of Newfoundland and Labrador since 1984. When you insure with Crosbie Job it’s our job to get you the best coverage at the best rate. We work with many different insurers to place your business. Our insurance is based on Strength and Experience. We’ve Got You Covered.
We specialize in making your insurance shopping easy. We find the best combination of rate and coverage possible. We help and advocate on your behalf when a claim occurs.
Don’t waste a moment. Please feel to contact us for a quote. We are here for you.
Give our Experts Shout!
Meet the team: For Brokers Across the Island
Ph: 709-726-5414 or 1-800-563-7788
Email: [email protected]