Online shopping is here to stay. Whatever your reason for going this route, whether it is to avoid the lineups, hating crowds, finding a better discount, free shipping etc, more and more of us will utilize online shopping. For some people online shopping is a scary thing, but it does not have to be. As we get closer to the season more people will use this service.
In today’s world it is important to know how to protect yourself when you are shopping on-line. Black Friday just came and went and we see a slew of emails from retailers etc. in our email.
So how do we know what’s real? How do we protect ourselves?
Tips to Help Protect Yourself
- Only deal with Retailers that you know. Don`t use links in an email (scammers are getting better at hiding their attempts to fool you)
- Only deal with secure online websites. Look at the web address, it should say https: not http.
- Never give out personal information.
- Typically only use one credit card. Most credit cards have 0% liability rules. That is if you find out someone is using your card you are not liable. As well if you don’t receive what you ordered you are not liable.
- Don’t shop on public Wi-Fi spots. They typically are not secure, and those scammers are there snooping the traffic, just waiting for you to give up credit information.
- Keep your Computer Up-to date. Make sure all updates are applied, and your browsers are up to date.
- Make sure you have good virus protection and anti-malware installed on your computer and keep them up to date
- Use strong passwords. Perhaps a short sentence.
- If it is too good to be true it probably is. If you really want it, make sure you investigate before buying.
Review your credit card statement. If you don’t recognize the charge call your credit card company and discuss. Typically they will reverse the charge while an investigation is ongoing. Speaking of credit card statements, make sure you destroy them. Burn or shred. You don’t want that information getting out there.
So What About Insurance?
So you say this has nothing to do with insurance. On the face of it you are correct, but a properly crafted homeowner’s insurance policy can include identity theft protection. Unfortunately if the online shopping goes awry there could be major repercussions. That’s why it is important to make sure that you have identity theft protection on your homeowner’s insurance policy. Some insurers automatically include it in their policies, for others it’s an endorsement.
With that in mind, it is time to give Crosbie Job Insurance Ltd your Newfoundland and Labrador Home Owners Insurance Experts a call to review your homeowner’s policy. We want you to Sleep Easy because We’ve Got You Covered.
Don’t waste a moment. Please feel to contact us for a quote. We are here for you.
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